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File ControlLink.hpp

FileList > demo-projets > stm32 > include > ControlLink.hpp

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  • #include <stddef.h>
  • #include <stdint.h>
  • #include "rbcx.pb.h"

Public Functions

Type Name
void controlLinkReset ()
bool controlLinkRx (CoprocReq & incoming)
void controlLinkTx (const CoprocStat & outgoing)
void controlUartInit ()

Public Functions Documentation

function controlLinkReset

void controlLinkReset () 

function controlLinkRx

bool controlLinkRx (
    CoprocReq & incoming

function controlLinkTx

void controlLinkTx (
    const CoprocStat & outgoing

function controlUartInit

void controlUartInit () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file demo-projets/stm32/include/ControlLink.hpp