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Class rb::Motor

ClassList > rb > Motor

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::function< void(Motor &)> callback_t

Public Functions

Type Name
void brake (uint16_t brakingPower)
Start braking.
void drive (int32_t positionRelative, int16_t speedTicksPerSecond, callback_t callback=nullptr)
Drive motor to set position (according relative value).
void driveToValue (int32_t positionAbsolute, int16_t speedTicksPerSecond, callback_t callback=nullptr)
Drive motor to set position (according absolute value).
MotorId id () const
int32_t position () const
void power (int16_t value)
Set motor power.
void pwmMaxPercent (int8_t percent)
Limit the maximum PWM value. If you call pwmMaxPercent(70) and then power(100), the motors will spin at 70% of maximum speed. This scales both the power and speed set through Motor .
int8_t pwmMaxPercent () const
Get current maximum PWM percent value.
void requestInfo (callback_t cb)
void setConfig (const MotorConfig & cfg)
Set configuration, see MotorConfig & STM32 firmware.
void setCurrentPosition (int32_t pos=0)
Set the encoder tick counter to some value.
void speed (int16_t ticksPerSecond)
Set motor speed.

Public Types Documentation

typedef callback_t

typedef std::function<void(Motor&)> rb::Motor::callback_t;

Public Functions Documentation

function brake

Start braking.

void rb::Motor::brake (
    uint16_t brakingPower


  • brakingPower braking power in <0, 32767>

function drive

void rb::Motor::drive (
    int32_t positionRelative,
    int16_t speedTicksPerSecond,
    callback_t callback=nullptr

function driveToValue

void rb::Motor::driveToValue (
    int32_t positionAbsolute,
    int16_t speedTicksPerSecond,
    callback_t callback=nullptr

function id

inline MotorId rb::Motor::id () const

function position

inline int32_t rb::Motor::position () const

function power

Set motor power.

void rb::Motor::power (
    int16_t value


  • power of the motor <-32768; 32767>

function pwmMaxPercent [1/2]

Limit the maximum PWM value. If you call pwmMaxPercent(70) and then power(100), the motors will spin at 70% of maximum speed. This scales both the power and speed set through Motor .

void rb::Motor::pwmMaxPercent (
    int8_t percent


  • pct of the max value <0 - 100>

function pwmMaxPercent [2/2]

inline int8_t rb::Motor::pwmMaxPercent () const

function requestInfo

void rb::Motor::requestInfo (
    callback_t cb

function setConfig

void rb::Motor::setConfig (
    const MotorConfig & cfg

function setCurrentPosition

void rb::Motor::setCurrentPosition (
    int32_t pos=0

function speed

Set motor speed.

void rb::Motor::speed (
    int16_t ticksPerSecond


  • ticksPerSecond speed of the motor <-32768; 32767>

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file demo-projets/esp/RBCXMotor.h