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Class rb::Manager

ClassList > rb > Manager

The main library class for working with the RBCX board. Call the install() method at the start of your program.

  • #include <RBCXManager.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
Manager (Manager const &) = delete
Battery & battery ()
Get the Battery interface.
Buttons & buttons ()
const CoprocStat_VersionStat & coprocFwVersion () const
void coprocFwVersionAssert (uint32_t minVersion, const char * name)
void install (ManagerInstallFlags flags=MAN_NONE, BaseType_t managerLoopStackSize=3072)
Initialize the manager - must be called once at the start of the program.
Leds & leds ()
Get the Leds helper.
void monitorTask (TaskHandle_t task)
Motor & motor (MotorId id)
void operator= (Manager const &) = delete
Piezo & piezo ()
Get the Piezo controller.
void schedule (uint32_t period_ms, std::function< bool()> callback)
Schedule callback to fire after period (in millisecond).
void sendToCoproc (const CoprocReq & msg)
MotorChangeBuilder setMotors ()
Get a motor instance.
StupidServo & stupidServo (uint8_t index)
Timers & timers ()
Ultrasound & ultrasound (uint8_t index)
Initialize the UART servo bus for intelligent servos LX-16. TODO: smart servos not implemented!

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Manager & get ()
Get manager instance.

Public Functions Documentation

function Manager [2/2]

rb::Manager::Manager (
    Manager const &
) = delete

function battery

inline Battery & rb::Manager::battery () 

function buttons

inline Buttons & rb::Manager::buttons () 

function coprocFwVersion

inline const CoprocStat_VersionStat & rb::Manager::coprocFwVersion () const

function coprocFwVersionAssert

void rb::Manager::coprocFwVersionAssert (
    uint32_t minVersion,
    const char * name

function install

Initialize the manager - must be called once at the start of the program.

void rb::Manager::install (
    ManagerInstallFlags flags=MAN_NONE,
    BaseType_t managerLoopStackSize=3072


  • flags modify the manager's behavior or toggle some features. SeeManagerInstallFlags} enum.

function leds

inline Leds & rb::Manager::leds () 

function monitorTask

void rb::Manager::monitorTask (
    TaskHandle_t task

function motor

inline Motor & rb::Manager::motor (
    MotorId id

function operator=

void rb::Manager::operator= (
    Manager const &
) = delete

function piezo

inline Piezo & rb::Manager::piezo () 

function schedule

Schedule callback to fire after period (in millisecond).

inline void rb::Manager::schedule (
    uint32_t period_ms,
    std::function< bool()> callback

Return true from the callback to schedule periodically, false to not (singleshot timer).


  • period_ms is period in which will be the schedule callback fired
  • callback is a function which will be schedule with the set period.

function sendToCoproc

void rb::Manager::sendToCoproc (
    const CoprocReq & msg

function setMotors

Get a motor instance.

MotorChangeBuilder rb::Manager::setMotors () 

Create motor power change builder: MotorChangeBuilder.

function stupidServo

inline StupidServo & rb::Manager::stupidServo (
    uint8_t index

function timers

inline Timers & rb::Manager::timers () 

function ultrasound

Initialize the UART servo bus for intelligent servos LX-16. TODO: smart servos not implemented!

inline Ultrasound & rb::Manager::ultrasound (
    uint8_t index


Instance of the class SmartServoBus which manage the intelligent servos.

Get the SmartServoBus for working with intelligent servos LX-16..


Instance of the class SmartServoBus which manage the intelligent servos.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function get

Get manager instance.

static inline Manager & rb::Manager::get () 

Always returns the same instance and is thread-safe. Don't forget to call install() to initialize the manager at the start of your program, when you first get the instance.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file demo-projets/esp/RBCXManager.h