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Class rb::Buttons

ClassList > rb > Buttons

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::function< bool(ButtonId, bool)> callback_t

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
constexpr uint32_t Count = = 6

Public Functions

Type Name
bool byId (ButtonId id) const
bool down () const
bool left () const
bool off () const
bool on () const
void onChange (callback_t callback)
bool right () const
bool up () const

Public Types Documentation

typedef callback_t

typedef std::function<bool(ButtonId, bool)> rb::Buttons::callback_t;

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable Count

constexpr uint32_t rb::Buttons::Count;

Public Functions Documentation

function byId

inline bool rb::Buttons::byId (
    ButtonId id
) const

function down

inline bool rb::Buttons::down () const

function left

inline bool rb::Buttons::left () const

function off

inline bool rb::Buttons::off () const

function on

inline bool rb::Buttons::on () const

function onChange

void rb::Buttons::onChange (
    callback_t callback

function right

inline bool rb::Buttons::right () const

function up

inline bool rb::Buttons::up () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file demo-projets/esp/RBCXButtons.h