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Class rb::Angle

ClassList > rb > Angle

Public Types

Type Name
typedef float _T

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const Angle Pi = = Angle::rad(Angle::_T(M_PI))

Public Functions

Type Name
Angle ()
_T deg () const
bool isNaN () const
Angle & operator*= (_T c)
Angle & operator+= (Angle a)
Angle operator- () const
Angle & operator-= (Angle a)
Angle & operator/= (_T c)
_T rad () const

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Angle deg (_T d)
Angle nan ()
Angle rad (_T r)

Public Types Documentation

typedef _T

typedef float rb::Angle::_T;

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable Pi

const Angle rb::Angle::Pi;

Public Functions Documentation

function Angle [1/2]

inline rb::Angle::Angle () 

function deg [1/2]

inline _T rb::Angle::deg () const

function isNaN

inline bool rb::Angle::isNaN () const

function operator*=

inline Angle & rb::Angle::operator*= (
    _T c

function operator+=

inline Angle & rb::Angle::operator+= (
    Angle a

function operator-

inline Angle rb::Angle::operator- () const

function operator-=

inline Angle & rb::Angle::operator-= (
    Angle a

function operator/=

inline Angle & rb::Angle::operator/= (
    _T c

function rad [1/2]

inline _T rb::Angle::rad () const

Public Static Functions Documentation

function deg [2/2]

static inline Angle rb::Angle::deg (
    _T d

function nan

static inline Angle rb::Angle::nan () 

function rad [2/2]

static inline Angle rb::Angle::rad (
    _T r

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file demo-projets/esp/RBCXAngle.h